Done is Good! (updated with sample:)
Back at good old Bryn Mawr College, at finals time there is a saying that has been passed down from generation to generation, one more of the secret society traditions like the bra dances and the may hole? Singing in classic greek and latin?
Perhaps not.
Just being grateful for a task done without the questioning of whether it is good or not. That of course comes later, but there is a moment of pleasure, ever fleeting though it may be, that we need to indulge ourselves for the simple fact that we have completed yet another of our HERculean tasks. This next week will have to be about paper writing and syllabus creating, (and piece picking upping) but for now, I am pleased to announce that I have a 56661 word novel that is for all intents and purposes complete. Will I go back and revise? For sure. Will I add and polish, indubitably. But for now, I will go to sleep, if not happy, at least a little bit proud of myself for my resolute will power and sheer ability to overcome. Sure, tomorrow may be another hard day, but today is over. Done is good. That's what I say.
*** since I am not posting the whole thing, I can at least direct you all to an excerpt. ***
FELICIDADES y reclamo: revisé mi inbox y aun no me ha llegado!
Sole, nada de adelantarse! La fila está justo aquí, detrasito mío. O si preferís, podés cojer un numerito de la maquinita esa que está ahí, y vas a sentarte mientras te toca tu turno, ok?
!Enhorabuena, Ilana!
Congrats! I am SOOOO proud of you! I knew you could do it!
You kick ass!
I love you!
Momento, momento... todo en su momento.
Todavía hay mucho que hacer... sólo que ahora tendré que buscar otro pretexto por mi falta de escritura diaria...
Cuando la vida te da una paliza... digo, hay que hacer palillos y comer sushi? uh. tal vez.
Thanks for all the love guys. I need some time before I am ready to let it out. Ale, we'll talk, ok?
Jenny, I see you're in D.C. - I am so proud of you!!!
me he enamorado de ti leyendo tu blog
estoy perpleja. nunca te he visto por estas partes. vaya poder de la palabra, ¿con una sola visita has caído en la trampa?
Diay, yo me coloco en fila detras de Sole y Oz (si, en ese orden Oz, first come first served!) a ver si me llega a mi tambien...
Felicidades amiguita!!! Voy a tener que hacer eso yo tambien a ver si acaso termino la mia.
como digo... tal vez les llevo Hard Copy en avión Libélula para Tiquicia:) Creo que por razones personales no quiero que anden copias electrónicas por ahí. Espero no ofender.
Eso quiere decir que hay posibilidades de que vengas por aca pronto? Ojala!!!
Flor cuando me caiga la lotería o me caiga un "sugar daddy" voy volando ;)
I gotta read the whole thing, Ila!! This much just wasn't enough!
O como diriamos por aca: me diste atolillo con el dedo porque me quede con ganas de seguir leyendo...
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