Originally uploaded by lunita.
It's 9:30, I am sitting in semi-darkness, alone, or rather accompanied in oniric absence by the otherwise animated creature that curls so close to my body, her heat penetrating the light sheets, as the fan oscillates ineffectively. I have decided that tonight (or any night?) this mechanical comanionship is just not enough for me, and I sadly close out, after my umpteenth round of emptiness. It is dark, I might as well sleep, though the tiredness in my soul has little to do with the tiredness of my body. And then the phone rings.
"Are you playing music too?"
"No I stayed home tonight, I didn't feel like singing" (didn't feel like SINGING, this is bad)
"Yeah, I got ditched..."
"The babe's asleep, you want to come over for a glass of wine?"
"I'll be there in 10 minutes!"
So we realized, of course, as we peeled back the foil wrapper, that I still haven't gotten my corkscrew back from Ana. After several failed attempts at female ingenuity (here I have to say, men always seem more able to find a way to open bottles without openers, chromosomal disposition? or gender construct?) I remember that Romina is probably home alone too. We venture across the courtyard and call up to her balcony. "Voy!"
She comes down with an appropriate device and we settle in to the living room. No reason for us to all be abandoned on a Saturday night, right? We comforted ourselves with the fact that we actually do have a life, after all (Romina had been watching a movie drinking wine by herself.)
At times like these I have to remind myself that I ought to live more in reality. Perhaps.
Pa qué exactamente querrías vivir más en la realidad?
Buena pregunta... no sé. De hecho, se me desvanece la línea entre realidad y ficción... aunque algunos interpretan todo lo que se escribe como si fuera verdadera (lo cual me impulsa a huir de la realidad aún más).
¿Para comprobar que uno es real y los demás no? // Me hubieras invitado al vinito: yo uso de dije un sacacorchos (no bromeo) para emergencias sociales como la que describes.
Uta! querés decir que vos también sos real? //Si no vivieras tan lejos, te invitaba seguro (aunque era ladies night)// no esperaba menos siendo vos un titere ebrio:)
Double thanks, Tugo, for the "offer" and the compliment. // I feel the same way, I don't know why I find my computer (Lucy) so erotic:)
P.S. it is a "corkscrew" in English (which allows for all sorts of erotic plays on words).
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