lunes, noviembre 22, 2004

Who knew?

Only on the west coast (or at a party school) do they actually sell alcohol in the middle of the day for consumption in the University Center.

Now, not that I am a proponent of being carded, as it is a bothersome, and ultimately wasted action, I am surprised that there was no question. At all. I mean, I still look like I'm 17... as evidenced by the fact that for the last four years while teaching at a high school I was always charged a student lunch price despite the fact that I, on occasion, wore the badge that was meant to prevent intruders from penetrating the hallowed halls, or to keep bomb threats from being scribbled on bathroom stalls. (How exactly this was supposed to happen, I am not sure, but as a brilliant women once told me: "don't try to put logic and public education together. They just don't go")

Am I getting older? Do I look like a grown-up? I certainly don't act like one on a regular basis... But after the bottle of wine, and beer, these things don't have to make sense. Perhaps I am making up for all the bad I never accomplished in my undergraduate years... But feeling tipsy on a mid-Monday after giving a test and before going home to do more stupid research feels pretty good.

Now if I can just sober up before picking up the kids at school:(