jueves, octubre 06, 2005

Closer to fine

I know that with one solitary voice I can't do justice to this song, but it has been my constant companion since I was 13, so it will just have to do... for those not in the know, it is by the Indigo Girls, and is another case of a song that shifts meaning drastically as one's life rolls along. Ah yes, how I love semiosis.

this is an audio post - click to play


Blogger L. YURÉ said...

Una estrategia bastante efectiva de lograr el proceso inferial. Ojalá todas las semiosis fuesen así de placenteras.

4:34 a.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

Gracias yurecito... las menos placenteras son cuando te arrancan la mitad de tu oído (semi-osis) en un proceso quirúrjico fallido. (entraste para que te sacaran una muela que te estaba molestando:)

9:36 a.m.  

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