Ausencia III
Ausencia III
Originally uploaded by lunita.
i can just see you show me your garden
i thought you'd grow roses and grapes on low vines
i wanted to know you when we were both older
i thought there'd be more of those wonderful times
i can lie to myslef
and say i like it
but i would love it if you were here
---Sarah Harmer, "You were here"
I have this thing about meditating on absence, I think it becomes an all-consuming presence in one's life if one let's it.
Puede uno mentirse en circunstancias en las que al evocar el ausente, este lo irriga todo, lo llena de colores inauditos, imposibilitándonos usar mas ojos que los suyos para gozar del paisaje de nuestra propia nostalgia?
well posed question... I wish I knew the answer (or were willing to let myself know it)...
LOL @ Tugo!
"Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies..."
Sorry, couldn't resist. I agree, sometimes the lie becomes everything.
I myself am a fictional character, a figment of my very own imagination.
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