More bizarre love triangulation
As we all know, this here blog is a democracy... or at least an oligarchy, which means... your wish is my command (within the realm of the reasonable and legal). In fact, I don't even require a quid pro quo because frankly giving is a much nobler endeavour than receiving (or at least I tell myself that because I am really bad at receiving). Anyhow, due to the technological limitations of this (ha ha) genre... I opted for the version that Frente did in 1994 seeing as how the techo-rhythm was not only an improbability, for me, but a virtual impossibility. I will have you know, though it doesn't matter, that there was a time in my life (I was 11?) that I really liked New Order, but then I have always had somewhat eclectic tastes in music, back then I would have been as likely listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons (spring was my favorite, followed by autumn), Don McLean's "American Pie" (I think I spent that summer listening to it over and over and over until I memorized all eight minutes of the lyrics) Billy Joel's Innocent Man album, Beethoven's fifth (this was pre-ultra violence phase), Jimmy Cliff's The Harder They Come (hold overs from my wasted youth;), Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven", INXS, or Debbie Gibson (hey! I was 11, what do you want from me?). Yeah, random. There is a DJ in my brain that is on constant overtime, but I'm told that I am not the only person that thinks in song lyrics. I comfort myself with this fact. goes:
Imagino que en tu barrio los vecinos esperan ansiosos a que te bañes por las mañanas. Lo digo por el promisorio deleite de escucharte cantar bajo la ducha.
¿Cómo supiste que me encontraba justo al umbral del baño, afinando mis vocales para el concierto matutino? Qué bueno que no lo decís por la hediondez imaginada;)
Nunca la había oído, pero me ha gustao.
¡algo hay que hacer para levantarte el ánimo, mujer!
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