martes, agosto 30, 2005

Taking the plunge


Blogger L. YURÉ said...

Tu "bambina" es mi nueva heroína! Yo únicamente me lanzaría, con esa gracia y fuerza de volundad, si me llenasen la piscina con cerveza.

5:42 p.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

Thanks guys! She's my hero, too. Yuré, soon you too will know the joys of parenthood (how's it going?) and Tugo, I'd love to see your little one, maybe if we lived on the same tectonic plate they could play together, being practically the same age.

You wouldn't believe it but yesterday the athletic bug bit me, and I was practicing dives that I hadn't done in years (12? 15?). I did inward pike dives, half-twists, lay-out back dives and 1 1/2 pike sommersaults. My neck hurts. A LOT! I made the full rotation, but there was quite a bit of inertia, um, behind me, making a forceful entry. Maybe it would have been better if I were drunk, that way the impact of my head against the water would not have provoked whiplash. But it was a rush anyway, in fact, better than being inebriated.

7:12 p.m.  
Blogger Solentiname said...

Ya me dieron ganas de volver a ir a nadar, ojalá en un día lluvioso...

7:43 p.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

Sole, a veces pienso que es lo único que me mantiene cuerda.

9:31 p.m.  
Blogger Dean CóRnito said...

Wow! ¡Qué estilo! Tenés una clavadista profesional. Realmente impresionante.

9:34 p.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

Ni tanto, ni tanto... pero sí nos divertimos en la alberca mi duende y yo.

7:32 a.m.  
Blogger Jenny said...

I'm so proud of both of you divers!

7:59 a.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

Thanks babe! Same goes for you, and all your adventures!

2:11 p.m.  

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