jueves, julio 28, 2005

measuring the rate of (self-) absorption

A scintilating day at the library, leaves me feeling... creative? Thoughts on creativity and creative people... There are two ways that this word can be interpreted: 1) the traditional and accepted form, ie. a novel thinker, original, and perhaps a bit flashy and 2) a person that makes things, that creates (regardless of novelty, originality, or pizazz).

Perhaps the goal should be to be both things at once. I have always had the deepest admiration and awe for people who can make something out of nothing, that can take a feeling and turn it into a beautiful, tragic, heartrending piece of art, or film, a poem or a novel. There is this unnameable need to create that begins to tickle, somewhere beneath the spine, in the medula of our bones perhaps, it is a way to alleviate the pressure, or to acheive oneness, an orgiastic coming together of energies.

To begin, it is important to reflect on the innate human fascination with human form. I have wondered about this myself, I have been observing (amateur anthropologist that I am) the ways in which people tend to interact with visual stimuli. No, nothing too exciting, but I am fascinated by the fact that no matter how much more intriguing the photos of buildings or landscapes that I take are (to me), without fail, people will look at the portraits, three times as often. (We can thank flickr for inadvertantly keeping these sort of stats). So, you'll have to forgive the fact that my ambition far exceeds my talent, and that my themes of composition are redundant, to say the least - enamored of my ego? maybe just a little, but really there are better reasons: that I lack models beyond my persona and the world around me . I suppose that may be all we can truly ask of anyone, anyway. Here it is, loosed upon the world, a woman (who me?) loosed with a camera, and a few moments to spare, or robbed from her own unwavering demands, before returning to work. The colors of the day.


Blogger L. YURÉ said...

Ilana, a mí me gusta el creativo destructivo, ese que revuelve con un poema los cimientos de todo lo anterior. // No sabía que también tomabas Mate! Me agrada no ser el único ser humano en este país que pasa cebando yerba todo el día (supongo que te es útil cuando acometes las infernales jarchas bajo el cansancio de la tarde). Linda bombilla, cuáles marcas de yerba se consiguen por allá?

6:55 a.m.  
Blogger Solentiname said...

A mí me pasa que cuando creo algo (limitado a lo escrito que es lo más cercano que tengo a un talento) que me impacta como algo bueno, lo leo, lo leo y lo vuelvo a leer una y otra vez embelesada y con un narcismo enorme y el convencimiento de que es una lástima que el resto de los mortales no lo aprecie como yo. jejejeje.

8:46 a.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

Danius, glad to be of service:) Besides, a good thesaurus is a beautiful thing (even if I don't own one). Note to self, really should buy a thesaurus... hey thanks!

Yuré, siempre apuntas cosas muy atinadas, creo que si leyeras mis pobres poemas verías que estoy enamorada de destrucción también. // No tengo con quién tomar mate por aquí y si tomo demasiado me pone hiperactiva, así no he tenido que comprar nueva yerba todavía, sin embargo, creo que he visto en la marketa "Cruz de Malta".

Sole, me parece que tu talento creativo es algo especial... logras plasmar el humor de lo absurdo de esta vida en tus escritos y poca gente tiene esa habilidad tan aguda de observar su entorno (y no volverse loca) y comentarlo de una manera interesante. Y me pasa lo mismo (éso del narcisismo).

9:40 a.m.  

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