lunes, marzo 07, 2005

La "flor de lis"

Ok. More uncanny coincidences (and I mean this in the most freudian sense) Poniatowska's book that I am (leaving it only briefly, I swear, just to post this) reading, in order to compare it with Vicens' _Los años falsos_ in terms of adolescent infatuation with parent of the same sex and the dialogue between authors, and possible critique of mid-century Mexican society...

It seems Elena, upon arrival in Mexico, was as obsessed with ownerless dogs (and water) as I... Fabulously interesting, I know, there are good dog stories out there in which dogs are not the villains (always).

I. had a great idea this morning, "Mommy, when we live in a real house - demonstrates its reality by emulating the triangular point of its roof with her arms - not like this one, I know, we can have a cat and a dog!" Someday. I always wanted a dog of my own, but my parents had their fill of an inane canine prior to my birth and I missed out:( Someday darling, we will have our tract of land and our farm and our equine companions as well as the canine and feline... Someday.