miércoles, enero 05, 2005

Hot and...

No more whining... more exciting motivational news.

Guess what?! My first publication in scholarly journal is imminent! Ok, so it *is* only an on-line journal, and it *is* only a book review, BUT it went through the whole jurying process, which means only one of two things: 1) my writing doesn't totally suck or 2) They were really desperate to fill up space (wait, it is an on-line journal, they don't have to fill a specific amount of space).

So today I am going to believe that there are people who actually appreciate my writing and that my decision to return to academia wasn't totally unfounded and that I am not absolutely destined to fail... and that I really am going to get to be what I want to be when I grow up!!!

Not bad for my first submission. Not bad at all. I guess New Year's game plan 2005, to have more confidence in my own abilities and to submit work for publication, is already paying off!