miércoles, enero 05, 2005


Cold cold cold cold cold.

Did I mention that I am cold?

Of course not.

Feeling extremely frustrated with myself and blue, mostly though, that is because I forget to eat while at University. This poses a problem. Today I had mint tea and an awful croissant with Maria José who teaches right next door to me in the frigid early morning. What a wonderful listener. Listening to her story reminded me that I am constantly amazed that love is a such a renewable resource, as Jenny pointed out the other day... I was getting all philosophical or chemical... likening love to a suspension of solids in liquid, and that if you add too much to any given mixture then everything suddenly, unexpectedly precipitates out and you are left with your separate clear liquid and your solid on the bottom of the beaker. But Jenny reminded me that all you need to do is dump the mixture into a bigger container and it will all mix back up together nicely... that isn't exactly what she said, but I will take stylistic liberties to fit my metaphor.

On other fronts I am very excited about the projects that I am undertaking. (Except the one I don't want to do, but even that didn't hinder me today). I was marvelling with Juan (or at him? No, we were conversing so it must have been with) about the fantabulous qualities of technology... You heard right, this is me, the self-proclaimed technophobe...

I am not claiming anything about the intrinsic value of computer interaction, in fact I think it rots in so many ways. No, just the amazing possibility of obtaining and sharing information and texts. There still has to be a thinking brain on the other end, but I love doing fingertip research and asking for articles and having them delivered to my email the very next day.

Oh, and I know what I want to be when I grow up! (when will that be? when I stop being a stupid girl)