lunes, marzo 06, 2006


That's right, ready to wear, ready to walk away with, we're talkin' about the all new, revamped and (well, vamped out might be pushing the envelope, n'est pas my love? but nonetheless) rewritten: (Get them while they're still hot, the contraceptives, I mean, of course, not the men ;) And please, please, spread the word.

Shameless promotion of the (code-conquering, fact-checking) alter ego shouldn't be prohibited, now should it? Kudos to K. who not only erased the bad seed from this seedling, she is getting some really important information out there into the cyber-world, and with any luck, to the people who most need it. (And no, I am not referring to the multitudes of drooling, masturbating cyber-geeks, for them contraception is mostly already an established fact).

Note to Sole: Maybe you can talk about this on the sex show? Do you think the machos in tiquicia would be ready?
Note to all: Idealist Savant is in need of some lude and lascivious commentary, and no, I don't mean that we were trying to compile a list of as many possible terms for the unmentionable acts and parts for the noble purpose of AIDS education curriuculum for (mostly Mexican and Central American) migrant workers. Perhaps in another venue if we are feeling shy???


Anonymous Anónimo said...

jenny can refer to this list for her vulgate lexematic enrichment.

3:57 p.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

mmmm. lexematic indeed.

8:54 p.m.  
Blogger L. YURÉ said...

En tantra me enseñaron a eyacular hacia adentro. Suena maravilloso hasta que notas que algunas minas exigen ver el semen como prueba de SU irresistibilidad erótica... Por supuesto que el truco no es tan efectivo como el corte de tubos pues siempre hay un espermatozoide McGyver que, con bajísimos recursos, logra cruzar el Río Grande y germinar en el paraíso.

1:19 a.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

JAJAJAJAJA. Además, digo, creo que hay algo bastante erótico en la mezcla de humores, y nuevos sabores que surgen de ahí... diría que es casi alquimia...

9:02 a.m.  

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