domingo, febrero 05, 2006

A brief musical interlude (or the temporary adventures of supermom!)

Let's just get this straight. I hate the conventionality of birthday parties. The obligation, the ridiculous expenditures (though I kept the cost under $200 this year, and I paid for it with the on-the-side translation work I took on, so I can forgive myself this indulgence) etc. That said, it makes them so damn happy, I can't seem to find it in me to not give her a birthday party, and this was no exception. Note to self, if every party were this stress-free, I might not approach them with such trepidation. Three and a half hours and no one's feelings were hurt, everyone won the games, they got wet and dry, ate appropriate amounts of both fruit, veggies and pizza before cake and presents were opened in an orderly fashion, with no howling or whining. Not bad for my first solo party... I think there must have been a temporary enchantment or suspension of reality, or the gods smiling down on me from above. But I'll take it...

Globos de agua

Mom! enough already...

Al burro!

Priceless expressions

Qué miraditas

La festejada

Burn baby burn!

Sometimes life knocks you one

haute tension



El mejor regalo, la amistad

The aftermath


Blogger L. YURÉ said...

Yo, para ahorrarme la guita, vendaré a mi nena frente a una boda, entraremos y justo cuando estalle la fiesta le gritaré "!sorpresa! !mirá qué montón de amiguitos nuevos te conseguí! Ahora, sé buena y traeme una copita del champán que está al lado de tu pastel...".

12:37 a.m.  
Blogger Solentiname said...

No hay cumple sin ponerle la cola al burro y sin piñata!

7:42 a.m.  

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