Phone call
It was so good to hear your voice(s). Really, an undeserved treat for me these days, who can't seem to focus on work or get any productivity squeezed from my defiant brain. It sounded like there was much joy on the other end of the line. I wish I had been there with you, with my glass of tinto in hand. It would have been a perfect end to my day. No, it was a perfect end to my day, even so, it wasn't nearly long enough. There is always so much more to say than what we are able to manage in the brief moments allotted. With the price of minutes, ticking away, the devil must be paid... I am so glad to know you, to have met you. You really have no idea. I hope to see the pictures soon. Thank you for thinking of me, it was really special.
I didn't really know how everything was gonna turn out but it was wonderful. It happens that not only we connect through our written words but we clicked only too well in "tiempo real". Again, it was wonderful and I was delighted. There's a promise in the air to have a go at it again soon. And you were there with us all the time!
Ilanita dear! I had a hunch that you'd be the first one to post about the "Convention", so I decided to make NT my first stop this morning.
There WAS joy on this end, and a lot of the mirth came from having been able to have you "with" us. And you were! (I personally took care of your share of tinto for you).
P.S.: The photos will be sent, hopefully, later today.
Ilana: Vos no podías faltar. No podías, no podías faltar. Y fue genial hablar con vos!
Chicos... un abrazote. ya saben aquí los quiere mucho una tal ilanita.
Flo: I can't imagine it being any other way when you get to see other people's inner self in such a democratic way.
Oscar: I made up for it tonight;) red wine and belly dancing... more later. You still owe me.
Sole: Gracias amiga, cómo quisiera haber podido irme por Libélula airlines...
Tugo: Ja Ja! No manches güey;)
Realmente la reunión excedió todas las expectativas, y poder hablar contigo fue como poner la aceituna que corona al martini doble seco. Todavía te debo una respuesta a tu mail, pero por ahí llegará. Dichosamente este vago cada día lo puede ser menos (finalmente estoy empezando a estar más ocupado con actividades potencialmente lucrativas ;-), so please accept my apologies por tenerte tan abandonada últimamente.
tanto tiempo hermano. No hay por qué pedir disculpas. Todos tenemos "vidas" reales que nos ocupan de vez en cuando... y fines de lucro siempre ayudan a la familia:)
Pues, nunca me han dicho aceituna, pero me suena a piropo medio torcido... me gusta;)
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