Oh my god. oh my god. oh my god.
Sounds nice. Feels nice. Procrastinating though. Can't stop. Can't stop searching for the words that have forsaken me.
Alone, my wish, a fish, a candle. A pile of papers and a telephone. A pile of papers and a telephone and no wires to keep me home. And no home to make me stay. And no words to take the pain away. And no words to freeze time, or ease time or lead me from my stray. No time and all the time in the world and a fallow field and a sallow skin and a feeble brain. And a foible and a sin. And an ache, a forgotten pen, a fin, flapping in the wake of the galleons. A trident, a fork, a breaking of the skin. A please? to please to please to please, and a no. resounding no. reverberating no. I won't go. A no to know meaning, meaning nothing, meaning nothing to you or me or it or they. No meaning and a bald bleak signifier with no signified and no significance and no significant other, just other, not "other", why bother? why care? A breakdown, a flare, a flair for the inane, a breaking, a pain, a waking, a walking, a talking in vain. a weakening link, a car on the brink, a cliff, a word. a falling? in flames...oh my, oh my god, oh my god. a word. just one word. oh. my. god.
Alone, my wish, a fish, a candle. A pile of papers and a telephone. A pile of papers and a telephone and no wires to keep me home. And no home to make me stay. And no words to take the pain away. And no words to freeze time, or ease time or lead me from my stray. No time and all the time in the world and a fallow field and a sallow skin and a feeble brain. And a foible and a sin. And an ache, a forgotten pen, a fin, flapping in the wake of the galleons. A trident, a fork, a breaking of the skin. A please? to please to please to please, and a no. resounding no. reverberating no. I won't go. A no to know meaning, meaning nothing, meaning nothing to you or me or it or they. No meaning and a bald bleak signifier with no signified and no significance and no significant other, just other, not "other", why bother? why care? A breakdown, a flare, a flair for the inane, a breaking, a pain, a waking, a walking, a talking in vain. a weakening link, a car on the brink, a cliff, a word. a falling? in flames...oh my, oh my god, oh my god. a word. just one word. oh. my. god.
Un poema para acompañarte:
En el filo de tu sombra
sentado estoy contemplando tu silueta amarilla
tu aroma que me turba hasta lo profundo
en el fondo de mi interior que se desrama y se desgaja
que se desborda al sentir que no siempre estarás rondando mi universo
el estrecho filo de lo que fue nuestro
o lo que es, o lo que será?
o lo que nunca pudo ser
No sé lo que transcurre en tu mente
y es tan cierto que no me pertenece
que jamás he intentado dominarla
que es tan sólo el delirio de tus ojos lo que me intriga
Y es la intriga de lo desconocido lo que me derrumba
lo que me desvanece
que me desintegra rodando abajo tras las entrañas de tu suelo
de nuestro suelo
en tus dedos largos y traviesos
y tus talones cansados que se esconden
bajo tus piernas redondas y tersas,
fragantes y entonadas
Como podría olvidarte si es el recuerdo lo que me mantiene vivo
y el presente que me confunde
¿podría retroceder en tu historia?
en tus diarios
através del oleaje de tus letras
en el interior de tus páginas ardientes
en los sentidos plasmados por la indeleble tinta
la que no miente
la que vibra,
la que me quema,
deseo es el que me surge de plenarte de gozo
de alegrías
borrando las penurias,
ahuyentando los perros negros de tu tristeza
llenando cada celula de tu materialidad
inundando cada fibra de tu belleza
de tu cuerpo desnudo
de tus cabellos dorados coronando tu frente
ahogándome en tus ojos verduscos que buscan afuera
lejos de mí
hacia el vacio...
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