sábado, marzo 10, 2007

A study in eyes and fur

A study in eyes and fur
Originally uploaded by lunita.

Maddening work schedule means no time to write, save for brief, stress-relieving interludes. This will all be over soon, I just keep telling myself, breath, breath and it will all have to be over by virtue of the passage of time. Meanwhile, I can always find a few seconds to snap a picture of my pretty puss.

NOTE for (well, you know who you are) Now you can click on photos and get the large size images :)


Blogger Solentiname said...

parece que las tres de la casa comparten la misma mirada dulce y cariñosa. ;)

4:50 a.m.  
Blogger ilana said...

you're back! you're back! ¿Cómo te fue en Chile? Tenés que contarme todo, todito!

(gracias, como siempre por tu cariño y tu lectura)

10:42 a.m.  

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