miércoles, abril 13, 2005

Another perfect album

I had forgotten. Oh my god, how could I forget such perfection? I didn't even have to listen to it to have the perfect shivers send goosebumps to my extremities. This will forever be etched in my brain from my first trip to California to see Lindsay at UC Santa Cruz (I fell in love with the red woods- I was just 18) and then our trip across the country darling K. And then, like the Eva Cassidy album, I will sadly remember the glorious beginnings of our project with Maria, and the ecstasy that a warm chord can strike in one's core, as it is emanating from one's chest and mouth.

It is, as you may have guessed, the Verve recording of "Getz/Gilberto" featuring Carlos Jobim with the surprising collaboration of Astrud, before she was "discovered".