viernes, noviembre 27, 2009

Give thanks (and praises)

Things I am currently (perpetually) thankful for...

1) My amazing, loving, growing child who engages happily in (highly nerdy adult) conversations about astrophysics and the composition of the universe, social networking and more...

2) An abundance of amazing friends, strong, brilliant, beautiful women (and a few men, here and there) several of whom I am visiting this very weekend (Kirsten, Becca, Katie, Cheyla... and more)

3) My ability to accept the inevitability of pain, and still heal and forgive

4) A car to cruise up and down the coast.

5) The hope of a possible job and future.

6) Fabulous back massages (thanks!)

7) Having multiple points of potable water in my immediate vicinity, a high-speed internet connection and other such wonders of infrastructure available to me with little to no effort.

8) The ability to complain about trivial matters (because the big things are taken care of!)

9) Finding music in my life again.  And again.

10) Love in all its incarnations